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The Christian school teacher has the opportunity to teach so much more than academics. Students can be trained in lessons of character that will last a lifetime. Throughout her many years of teaching, Dr. Beka Horton has developed keen insight intothe life of students. These practical helps will benefit teachers on the importance of Giving Character to Our Students.
The kindergarten graduation program can be a valuable aid in promoting your school program throughout your community. This video is an actual graduation performed before parents and friends.
This video demonstrates the procedures in combining first and second grades throughout a typical school day. The video explains the time spent on each subject and shows the transition between subjects and grades.
Observe efficient ways to review and teach in a combined upper-elementary classroom. Many ideas for conducting a multi-grade class will be given.
33min.Prerequisite—Combination Classrooms Can Be Effective—Lower Elementary, above
Do you have a rebellious teenager in your home, school, or church? You may be mystified by how to confront this serious problem in the life of a young person. This enlightening lecture explains the roots and early symptoms of rebellion and gives you skill and courage to deal with the problem.
The lecture by Dr. Beka Horton explains how set theory has been used to promote a loss of absolutes and to bring secular humanism into the field of mathematics.
A veteran English teacher discusses the Christian philosophy and methods used in teaching grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and poetry. This presentation will inspire and motivate you in teaching your students.
Learn from an experienced English teacher as she explains various tips and ideas for planning and conducting the composition and literature parts of English class. This presentation is informative for new and veteran English teachers.
Every Christian educator needs to understand the difference between traditional education and progressive education so he or she can rightly establish a Christian philosophy of education. Listen to the philosophical differences and then realize yourschool can be purposefully unique.
The integration of philosophy and academics is undeniable. Christian educators have the responsibility to teach from a biblical perspective, to aim for excellence in teaching, and to be wary of the educational status quo. Gain insight and answers for the defense of traditional education.
Learn solutions to six of the most common problems new or weak teachers encounter, as well as suggestions for promoting teacher development.
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Kindergarten students have many exciting activities every day at school. In order to successfully complete these activities, teachers implement smooth and purposeful habits and procedures. Observe two kindergarten teachers as they guide their students through transitions and activities that enhance the productivity of the class.
Let's see what happens in grades 1 and 2 classrooms where the students and the teachers practice good habits and procedures. You will view classes showing arrival, dismissal, walking in halls, seatwork checks, and reading circle procedures. This will assist new and veteran teachers in classroom management.
This question will be answered by visiting two classes where the students and teachers will show you what they do daily in the classroom. They will show you their arrival, dismissal, walking in a school hallway, taking a quiz, and other classroom procedures.
This introductory lecture is essential to prepare teachers for viewing other secondary-level teacher training videos series. Have you really considered the philosophy and the methods that contribute to making you a successful Christian teacher? This stimulating and thought-provoking lecture describes traditional methods and redefines the responsibility of the Christian teacher for teaching students to respond correctly to authority.
The procedures described in Effective Teaching Procedures come alive as you view the teacher and students in action in the classroom. You will watch an effective technique for checking homework and giving penalties when homework is not complete. You will see (1) how to make completed homework a part of the lesson, (2) methods for giving quizzes, (3) methods of review, (4) effective lesson presentation techniques, and (5) a history lecture demonstration.
Gives an introduction to Abeka and welcomes veteran and first-year preschool teachers.
Explains how to successfully use the Language Development visuals with preschool children and provides helpful information on teaching Bible effectively.
Provides helpful information on teaching phonics and numbers to preschoolers using the textbooks and materials from Abeka.
Explains how to successfully use Abeka textbooks and materials in the preschool classroom to develop the students’ skills and also provides helpful information on the most effective means of using the curriculum.
Provides helpful information on teaching Skills Development and Bible using the textbooks and materials from Abeka.
Explains how to successfully teach phonics using the books and materials from Abeka and includes a brief description of seatwork.
Describes how to give young students a strong foundation in reading and writing using the textbooks and materials from Abeka.
Uses Abeka textbooks and materials to provide helpful information on teaching numbers and includes ways teachers can make the most out of Activity Time with students.
Explains how to successfully use the Language Development visuals with young children and also provides helpful information on the most effective means of using the curriculum.
The phonics class and reading circles are two of the most important components of the K4 child’s day. Visit these two classes to gain insight into conducting them successfully at your school.
Observe numbers and writing — two important skill classes in the K4. Watch for helpful classroom procedures and exciting motivational ideas.
60min.Prerequisite—Four-Year-Old Kindergarten (K4) Phonics Class and Reading Circles, above
Observe a veteran K4 teacher demonstrate Skills Development, Activity Time, and Language Development learning times to gain insight for conducting these activities in your classroom.
Four-year-olds have a natural love for God and His Word. Teachers encourage spiritual growth when they communicate scriptural truths through effective Bible lessons. Learn successful methods and procedures for conducting a God-honoring Bible time as you visit a four-year-old Bible class.
Gives an introduction to Abeka and welcomes veteran and first-year K5 teachers.
Explains how to effectively teach phonics to young students using Abeka textbooks and materials.
Describes how to give young students a strong foundation in reading using the textbooks and materials from Abeka.
Shows how to teach students basic handwriting techniques and includes essential procedures for writing class.
Uses Abeka textbooks and materials to provide helpful information on teaching Bible to reach students’ hearts and lives for the Lord.
Describes how to use Abeka textbooks and materials to teaching numbers and number formation to students.
Describes many enriching activities that can be done during Skills Development.
Shows how to use the curriculum for Language Enrichment time.
26min.Prerequisite—Skills Development (K5), above
Gives a brief description of how seatwork can be done in K5.
27min.Prerequisite—Language Enrichment (K5), above
Briefly discusses the benefits and ideas for having story time in kindergarten.
Discusses multiple types of activities, such as art, music, social studies, and science, that can be done in kindergarten.
45min.Prerequisite—Story Time/Comprehension Skills (K5), above
Provides helpful information on the most effective means of using the Abeka curriculum in the classroom.
Look at a typical day of phonics, reading, and seatwork in a K5 classroom. You will be amazed at how much the students accomplish each day.
Watch as a K5 teacher instructs her class in numbers and writing. You will see successful teaching procedures, and classroom techniques that keep students’ attention.
Did you know that five-year-old kindergarten students find all the experiences conducted in Activity Time to be delightful? Join a class as they demonstrate several types of activities that your students will enjoy.
Join a K5 class for the activities that begin and end their day. Observing this experienced K5 teacher will give you encouragement and helps for managing these two classes.
Christian school teachers have the privilege of teaching spiritual truths to kindergarten children. Five year olds are ready to grow in the knowledge of God and His Word. Learn successful methods and procedures for conducting a God-honoring Bibletime as you visit a K5 Bible class.
Gives an introduction to Abeka and welcomes veteran and first-year elementary teachers.
Explains the effective steps Abeka uses in teaching phonics to first and second graders.
Uses the Abeka textbooks and materials to show how to teach the various parts of a phonics lesson in first and second grade.
25min.Prerequisite—Phonics: The Key to Independent Reading Part I—Six Easy Steps, above
Discusses the procedures and expectations for successful reading circles in first and second grade.
Assists teachers in evaluating students by discussing keys to oral reading success.
25min.Prerequisite—Reading Success: Within Every Student’s Reach Part I—Effective Reading Circles, above
Describes how to teach letter formation and provides pointers in assisting a classroom of students.
Briefly describes the oral procedures used for teaching spelling and poetry.
17min.Prerequisite—Teaching Cursive Writing: Effective Penmanship Practice, above
Briefly explains the importance of establishing good habits in first and second graders in language and creative writing.
16min.Prerequisite—Spelling and Poetry, above
Provides an explanation of using seatwork during reading circle time.
23min.Prerequisite—Language and Creative Writing: Developing Good Habits, above
Explains how to use the various parts of Bible class to minister to first and second graders.
Uses the Abeka textbooks and materials to demonstrate effective teaching techniques during each part of arithmetic class.
44min.Prerequisite—Elementary Bible: Reaching the Heart, above
Describes the various types of activities that make up Activity Time in first and second grade.
42min.Prerequisite—Activity Time: Science, History, Health, Art, Music, above
Explains how to maximize class reading time for the benefit of all students.
Assists teachers in evaluating third- through sixth-grade students by discussing keys to oral reading success.
22min.Prerequisite—Reading Success Part I—Class Reading, above
Explains procedures for teaching penmanship in upper elementary.
22min.Prerequisite—Reading Success Part II—Evaluating Reading, above
Uses Abeka textbooks to demonstrate effective teaching methods for spelling, vocabulary, and poetry.
Provides ideas for teaching grammar to upper-elementary students.
25min.Prerequisite—Spelling, Vocabulary, and Poetry (Grades 3-6), above
Shows how teachers can make the most of the creative writing opportunities provided in the Abeka Language Arts program.
24min.Prerequisite—Language Teaching Techniques, above
Explains how to use Bible class as a means of reaching the students for Christ and helping them in their spiritual growth.
47min.Prerequisite—Arithmetic: Process and Procedure for Student Success (Grades 3-6), above
40min.Prerequisite—Elementary Bible: Reaching the Heart (Grades 3-6), above
Uses Abeka textbooks and curriculum to explain helpful techniques for teaching science and health.
Explains how to effectively teach history and geography to upper-elementary students.
26min.Prerequisite—Science and Health: Showing God as Creator and Master Designer, above
Watch a grade-one teacher demonstrate a phonics lesson and view the giving of the weekly phonics test. These sample lessons will give you insight on reviewing, teaching, and applying phonics to reading.
Reading is one of the foundations on which first grade academics rests. With the phonetic approach, the students continue to reach a higher level of phonics application and reading skill while enriching their livesthrough the learning and enjoyment that can only come through books. Visit a first grade teacher conducting reading circles in the third and sixth months of school.
Conducting an elementary reading class can be done in four simple steps. After a brief discussion, you will visit three different elementary reading classes (first, third, and sixth) to observe these four steps.
The language arts program consists of language, spelling, reading, and penmanship with creative writing. Throughout this session, you will glean ideas from third-grade teachers as they teach their students the different subjects of the Abeka language arts program.
Let's watch spelling and poetry classes in grades one and two with veteran teachers. The teachers will show you just how much can be accomplished in just a few minutes each day.
Watch two teachers conduct successful spelling and poetry classes. You will be amazed at how fast the students grasp new words and poems. The teachers will demonstrate a variety of review techniques for you to observe.
Conducting penmanship classes helps young students learn and review their letters, but also encourages them to take pride in their work as they write neatly and correctly. Observe how exciting and instructive penmanshipclass can be as you watch a first grade teacher and a second grade teacher guide their students through the steps of forming letters and words.
What do teachers do in grades 3-6 for penmanship class? We will show you a grade 3 and a grade 4 class to illustrate the procedures, techniques, and methods that can be used in your penmanship classes.
Energize your teaching style as you observe an enthusiastic sixth grade teacher motivate her students toward participation and enjoyment for learning in Language class.
Every moment counts when teaching arithmetic to lower elementary students. Learn helpful procedures for smooth transitions, student involvement, and effective communication of new material as you observe a veteran teacher conduct a typical second grade arithmetic lesson with Abeka.
Would you like to see two veteran teachers conduct some of the key parts of arithmetic class? This session on conducting the opening oral review time, giving and checking speed drills, and doing a workbook page together in class will show you many routines and procedures that will assist you in conducting your own arithmetic class.
Third-grade arithmetic teachers continue to strengthen their students' foundational math knowledge in order to develop their students' mathematical application and thinking skills. Watch as the teachers demonstrate the five fundamental parts of an arithmetic class and see how careful planning and being purposeful in your approach will allow your students to learn and accomplish a great deal in the arithmetic class.
Fifth-grade arithmetic teachers can continue to help their students think clearly and precisely as they not only learn and master arithmetic concepts but apply these concepts to their daily lives. Observe a fifth-grade teacher demonstrate the key elements of arithmetic class that you can then incorporate into your daily arithmetic lessons.
Implementing the five basic parts of arithmetic into your sixth-grade arithmetic class will help you make the most of each learning minute. Observe a sixth-grade arithmetic class and reflect on your own teaching practices to continue to develop and improve your teaching skills.
While first grade places primary emphasis on the core subjects of phonics, reading, and arithmetic, the students are also given opportunity to learn and enjoy other areas such as music, art, social studies, history, science, and health. In this first part of "Activity Time: Helping First Graders Learn and Enjoy the World Around Them," we'll see how a first grade teacher takes her class through an art time as well as a discussion of one of their social studies' community helpers.
In this second part of "Activity Time: Helping First Graders Learn and Enjoy the World Around Them," we'll see how a first grade teacher maintains the excitement and energy of activity time as she leads her studentsthrough the class reading subjects of science and history.
Science and Health class provides a wonderful opportunity to see God's hand in His Creation of man and the environment around us. In this session, you will observe the different parts of the science and health class and how you can continue to strengthen your students' biblical worldview as you introduce God's perfect handiwork.
When we teach science from a Biblical perspective, we’re helping our students to look at Creation and its governing principles and see the way in which God has revealed Himself through His work. As you observe a fifth-grade and sixth-grade science lesson, you will see how following the basic four-part structure of upper-elementary science class enables teachers to instill into students the basic foundational knowledge on which they will build in future years.
Discover how the parts of a history class will open up avenues to show God's plan in our lives. The third-grade history program introduces historical figures that helped to shape our country. Observe how teachers keep the students engaged in the four different parts of the lesson while teaching history through a biblical worldview.
In history and geography class, students not only learn about the world, its geography, its countries, and its cultures, but also see what man has done in each of these locations with the time God has allotted to him. Gain some ideas to incorporate into your own classroom as you have the opportunity to watch two upper-elementary history and geography classes.
Teaching Bible is a wonderful privilege and responsibility. Using the Abeka Bible materials provides a teacher with an organizational plan to follow and beautiful Flash-a-Cards to visualize Bible lessons. As you observe this second grade Bible class, notice the joyful spirit as students and teacher praise the Lord through songs, memory verses, prayer, doctrine, and the Bible lesson.
Observe how third-grade teachers lay the foundation for a Biblical worldview starting in the first thirty minutes of each school day. As you examine the six parts of Bible class that actively engage students in learning more about God, you will see several ideas to enhance your own Bible class.
As they teach students about God, His love, and His plan of salvation, teachers have great opportunity to influence their students’ lives for eternity through a daily Bible class as they lead their students in singing praise to God, memorizing Scripture, bringing prayer requests to the Lord, and learning about God through His Word. In this session, teachers will glean ideas for 4th-6th-grade Bible classes as they observe a fifth-grade and a sixth-grade Bible lesson.
Good methods and procedures for an effective English class, as well as success principles for orchestrating the important elements of the English curriculum are explained in this informative lecture. Also included is a classroom observation of a master teacher demonstrating practical and effective ideas for teaching grammar, composition, vocabulary, literature, and poetry (grade 9).
The many parts that make up the high school English class all come together for one purpose: to develop our students into clear thinkers and effective communicators while enriching their hearts. Utilize each of these parts effectively in your classroom and glean some ideas and tips by observing an entire 11th-grade English class, a few portions of a 12th-grade English class, and a few oral book-review examples.
Basic elements of a history class are discussed by a veteran history teacher and demonstrated by a junior high teacher. This lecture/classroom will enhance your teaching.
All aspects of class procedures are explained and seen as they happen in the secondary math classroom. A written speed drill, teaching new material, and classroom practice are included as you view the teacher and students in action.
45min.Prerequisite—Teaching History, above
Effective teachers know their subject matter and use class time wisely. Observe a veteran teacher in the Algebra 1 classroom effectively and efficiently transition between the five parts of a typical secondary math class.
Review an efficient class format as well as certain procedures and basic teaching techniques that allow you to capitalize on each class period. With strong teaching practices, you can use your junior-high science classes to provide students a solid science foundation that will not only prepare them for the more complex science classes in high school but also enable them to apply scientific knowledge and reasoning skills in their own day-to-day lives.
Take note of how this veteran teacher in a biology class uses clear and concise explanations to communicate new material and also uses variety in reviewing concepts that students need to remember.
Visit an eighth and twelfth grade Bible class to see that spiritual opportunities abound on the secondary level each day. Class procedures as well as teaching techniques can be observed in the lessons.
An experienced Spanish teacher explains procedures and techniques, using Abeka textbooks, to produce students who can speak and enjoy a foreign language.
While this video reviews practical points about test construction, administering a test, and evaluation of students, it also gives a helpful discussion on all methods and techniques used in evaluation in a secondary classroom in a Christian school.
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