Gifts You Can’t Replace

Your investment in time won’t just mean your kids get individualized attention not possible in school. It means you get more time with them. What could ever replace that?

You—not a teacher—are the one shaping their values.

You’re the one who gets the notes and surprises and hugs.

You’re the one who puts in the work, but you’re also the one who sees the reward.

Where Learning Lives

Children believe they can do or be anything. And the truth is—they can. Embrace their natural curiosity. Nurture it. Challenge it. So that eventually, your child can take on the world.

Learn More

it’s easy to use

I love the curriculum! It’s easy to use and the parent teacher guides are great! It keeps us on track.
Jennifer Y.

Experience You Don’t Have to Earn the Hard Way

When you open up a textbook or a lesson plan, you’re seeing years of teaching experience poured out on the pages. In fact, gifted and experienced teachers develop every Abeka product.

Carefully Creafted Content

How do you teach short and long vowel sounds to a four-year-old?

How do you explain how to write a research paper in a way that’s not overwhelming?

How do you lead your child all the way from counting to pre-calculus?

We’ll show you.

Through every age and in every subject, you’ll have support.

Immeasurable Value without a Hefty Price Tag

Immeasurable Value without a Hefty Price Tag

If God calls you to homeschool your children, following His plan for your family is priceless.

You’re willing to sacrifice to get the best for your children, but money doesn’t grow on trees.

Your Savings with Traditional Homeschooling

Take 1st grade as an example. If you buy a complete parent kit and child kit—EVERYTHING YOU NEED—that’s only $959.30. And of course, many of the materials are reusable.

If you only use your materials for one child, that’s only $5.64 per day. If you reuse them, it’s even less per day.*

For cost comparison, a typical theme-park vacation for a family of 4 costs at least $3,227.** And the average monthly cost of feeding a family 4 was at least $584 in 2013.***

*$959.30 cost of materials divided by 170 school days

Your Savings with Video Homeschooling

What if you choose video homeschooling so you don’t have to be the only teacher… because you want more one-on-one time for your kids and your home?

In first grade, pricing starts at $1,180 for all the textbooks your child needs AND expert teaching from a Christian perspective. This includes an entire school year of education as valuable as private tutoring. (And there’s a budget-friendly payment plan option.)

Depending on where you live, the average private school costs that OR MORE every month.* Private tutoring? That would typically cost you $30–$85 per hour.**


Confidence from the Start

Abeka has done the painstaking prep so you can start off running in the right direction, at a good pace, from day one.

In lesson plans and teacher editions, you’ll find

Carefully Creafted Content
  • Suggested overall plans by week, month, and year
  • Suggested steps laid out for you each day
  • Suggestions for what to do when
  • Tips
  • Games
  • Examples
  • Ideas for further discussion
  • Extra application questions to challenge thought
  • “Teacher brilliance”

Proven Track Record

Millions of homeschooled students have used Abeka since it started in 1972.

Students taught with Abeka have competed in the Olympics, been accepted into prestigious colleges, and gone on to serve the Lord in demanding careers.

Proven Track Record

ahead of everyone else

We LOVE Abeka! My oldest child came from a public school background struggling and now he is thriving in most areas. My youngest son is a year and a half ahead of everyone else his age and he BEGS to do school! :)
Cecily R.

all graduated college

So thankful for you!!! Homeschooled all 5 of my kids in this program. All graduated college. Three got their master’s. Two working on doctorates.
Anna T.

Methods that Make Your Job Easier

Methods that Make Your Job Easier

Do you recognize the terms spiral approach, learning preferences, and cross-subject integration?

Because you’re in the driver’s seat, not your children, it means your kids aren’t running you.

Read on for some quick explanations and—more importantly—to find out why those methods make your job easier.

  • Abeka’s Spiral approach—building from the simple to the complex, with frequent review and application within each grade and from grade to grade.
    • This means you prevent learning gaps from the first day you teach with Abeka until the last.
    • The work you put in now pays off later (like when thoroughly teaching and reviewing multiplication tables saves your child from dreading math).
    • Since repetition is the key to learning, concepts are truly learned—and remembered.
    • Because concepts aren’t presented just one time, or in one way, it means you’re giving your child multiple opportunities to be successful.
    • Rough days are less stressful when you realize you don’t have just ONE CHANCE to make sure your child understands a concept.
  • Learning preferences—when faced with the 3 major learning styles (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic, or hearing, seeing, and doing), learning preferences are how you prefer, if given a choice, to learn something. Instead of favoring 1 and neglecting the others, we incorporate all 3.
    • By using all 3, you’re teaching your children to be adaptable, resilient learners.
    • You’re preparing them for college and real life.
    • You’re not putting your children—or yourself—in a learning-preferences box.
    • You don’t have to feel guilty because you don’t use a different curriculum for each child.
    • You’re doing what the best teachers do to help their students learn.
  • Cross-subject integration—pulling in concepts from 1 subject into several others to reinforce concepts and tie learning together
    • Learning comes to life more with cross-subject integration (like when students learn about Abraham Lincoln in history, read about him in language arts, do an art project with pennies and top hats, and write a story using what they know).
    • Children feel a sense of familiarity and accomplishment when they see something they already learned (like spelling words) “pop up” in another subject (like science or literature).
    • It engages curiosity and emphasizes the big picture.

Biblical Foundations & Content

Biblical Foundations & Content

Our philosophy doesn’t come from what sounds good or from what other people are doing right now. Instead, our parent-led, character-building philosophy comes from a biblical foundation

Train up a child in the way he should go.
—Prov. 22:6a

Because you’re in the driver’s seat, not your children, it means your kids aren’t running you.

You’re leading them.

There’s structure and organization because that helps children know what to expect—and what’s expected of them—but also because 1 Corinthians 14:40 says, “Let all things be done decently and in order.”

Let all things be done decently and in order.
—1 Cor. 14:40

In history, you see God’s hand. In science, you see His design. In grammar, you see His order.

Every subject is approached from a Christian perspective, and you’ll find Scripture and biblical principles used to emphasize or illustrate concepts.

relates all things back to God

I love love love this program. It pushes them on a college level. It takes and relates all things back to God. So glad my children are blessed with this curriculum. Thank you Abeka.
Isaac & Katrina P.

structured curriculum

I love Abeka’s traditional approach to education. My daughter (5th grade) has thrived with the challenging, thorough, and structured curriculum. Due to her high interest in history, we recently took a field trip to Monticello. She was able to recite the Declaration of Independence (thanks 4th & 5th grade Abeka history!) from Thomas Jefferson’s steps!
Anna T.

No Guinea Pigs

We don’t use any method or materials that haven’t been proven over time—and with children of all different learning abilities.

Carefully Creafted Content

Your family won’t be guinea pigs for new homeschooling fads.

Do we test new textbooks and lesson plans before we print them for you? ABSOLUTELY.

We start with a proven Spiral Learning approach to teaching and a biblical philosophy when we develop content. And we go through an extensive 7-step research and development process before we consider materials good enough for you and your family.

challenging and instructive

I was home schooled using Abeka and really enjoyed the curriculum. Challenging and instructive. The way a curriculum should be
Jake H.

A Balance Between Life & Homeschooling

You can homeschool with Abeka and have a life.

Most families are done with lessons in around an hour and a half for kindergarten, by lunch for elementary, and by 2:00 or 3:00 for high school.

Road Map

Need even more flexibility? Video homeschooling with Abeka Academy’s expert teachers

  • keeps you in the driver’s seat
  • engages your children
  • adds a level of competition with the pre-recorded students on video
  • lets your kids do lessons anytime, even if you can’t be there with them
  • cuts your prep time down to almost nothing.

Achievable Goals

Too little challenge brings complacency. Too much challenge brings frustration.

We aim for just the right amount.

Since Abeka is so carefully developed with proven methods and then tested,

Carefully Creafted Content
  • Average students can succeed.
  • Students who need a little more help can succeed with a slower pace.
  • Above-average students can succeed and go on to attain more without feeling that school is boring or too easy.

You’ll find age-appropriate content presented in manageable amounts.

What’s that mean for you? You can finish a workbook during the school year. You can work through books from beginning to end—and that’s without rushing through.

How many lessons come in a lesson plan? You get 170 so you have 10 for extra review, projects, and field trips.

How long does it take to go through lessons? The average pace is 9 months. The beauty is… it’s up to you.

Color & Variety

Carefully Creafted Content

Your children will encounter characters like Alexander Alligator and Tim the Traveler.

They’ll explore subjects in full color and discover information with the help of professional illustrations. Vibrant pictures. Professionally crafted charts, maps, and timelines.

They’ll see names and dates, but they’ll also see the big picture—the story of history, the beauty of language, the wonder of God’s creation… and that’s just the beginning.

love, love It!

I got my order a few weeks ago and I must say I love your curriculum. It is the best. Not only for content level, but the books are just so well laid out, and the pictures are fabulous in the history and science books. Love, love it! I can't say enough good things about Abeka
Dana A.

The Best of Both Worlds

You can count on high academics AND a biblical worldview so your children aren’t left half prepared to make a difference in the world.

When you combine our curriculum with your commitment, you’ll be preparing your children to be able to do anything God asks them to do.

We See a Teacher

Our mission at Abeka is to support you in all that you do.
Where others may simply see a parent, we see a teacher.
Join us as we celebrate you.

Tell us your story on our Facebook page #weseeateacher