Laying the Foundation for Success

Abeka provides a trusted education built on four main principles.

Biblical Worldview
  • Integrates into each subject
  • Emphasizes God’s character and eternal truths
  • Equips students for standing firm in God’s Word
  • Prepares students to make a difference for eternity

Teaching every subject through the lens of Scripture reinforces that our lives aren’t split into the sacred and the secular everyday life. It gives students countless opportunities to come to Christ for salvation and to adopt biblical values of their own.


Research and Development
  • Utilizes curriculum mapping
  • Incorporates educational standards and objectives
  • Studies academic trends
  • Evaluates how Abeka prepares students for standardizes testing
  • Applies customer feedback

Products meet both biblical standards and academic standards so that your students are prepared for whatever God calls them—from the mission field to the medical field. What you’ll teach is relevant, data-driven, and created to meet your needs. You won’t be teaching for a state or national test, but your students will be ready. When you use Abeka, you’ll experience how a Christian education is an excellent education.


Proven Philosophy
  • Leads and engages students
  • Builds character
  • Includes cross-subject integration, phonics-based reading, and spiral learning approach

Your materials and methods start with the firmest foundation: what the Bible says about human nature, knowledge, authority, orderliness, and philosophy. Instead of complying with the latest short-lived academic trends, your lessons will build on methods that have produced results for generations.

Your students will learn the knowledge and skills they need, but they’ll also learn how to learn, build sound character, establish healthy relationships with others, and form the priceless habit of personal accountability.


Critical Thinking
  • Enabled by teaching a firm foundation of facts
  • Challenged through higher-level thinking and application of facts
  • Supports the goal of well-educated students able to defend their faith and apply knowledge

Building from a foundation of facts, your students will learn how to apply those facts to solve problems, generate ideas, and discern truth.

They’ll be able to think through issues, form logical arguments rather than just opinions, and make wise decisions. They’ll be equipped to stand out as leaders and use their influence to make a difference.


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