Accredited vs. Independent Study

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There are several options to consider before you begin homeschooling. One of these is choosing between an Accredited curriculum or Independent Study, and there are many benefits to both programs. Read on to learn more about the key differences between the two to decide which is best for you and your family!

What’s the difference?

Homeschool accreditation is a way to ensure that your child’s education and schoolwork are being evaluated against a set of established standards. Abeka Academy Accredited program is only offered for Abeka Academy students. It helps parents keep track of their child’s progress by reviewing and grading their work and providing official documentation such as report cards, transcripts, and a diploma upon graduation. In some situations, choosing Accredited will help you meet state or college-entry requirements more easily.

Your second option is Abeka’s Independent Study program. Homeschool families who choose Independent Study through Abeka will still receive all of the materials and videos needed to homeschool, but they will have more flexibility over schedules, reports, and deadlines associated with their child’s education.

How the Accredited option works

If you decide to use the Abeka Academy Accredited program, you will have to make sure your child watches all video lessons and stays on a predetermined schedule. For some subjects and grades, your child will be required to call Abeka for an evaluation. You’ll also be required to send tests and quizzes periodically for assessment and return required course work within 6-12 months of your start date. Keeping up with all of this might sound overwhelming, but don’t worry—Abeka provides all the necessary materials to submit everything successfully, including an easy-to-use, online dashboard with important due dates, test dates, and quiz dates.

How Independent Study Works

You have more options if you choose Independent Study. You’re not required to submit anything to Abeka and you have the freedom to create a schedule that works best for your family, however, you will be responsible for keeping track of your child’s studies, grades, and other necessary documents, and you will still need to finish within 12 months of enrollment. Independent Study enrollment is a flexible option that’s ideal for a family who prefers less structure and more autonomy. Parents who have children with learning difficulties may choose Abeka’s Independent Study program so they can add extra time for their child to learn specific concepts. Some families prefer to homeschool year-round and take breaks to travel throughout, so having flexibility is critical. We highly recommend researching your state’s regulations to be sure you’re following the rules and guidelines for homeschooling your children, no matter which option you choose.

How do I choose?

The beauty of homeschooling is that you can do what is best for your family. What works for one family isn’t necessarily going to work best for you, so try not to compare your situation to others. Think about your lifestyle and your child’s needs. Does the structure work well for your family or do you thrive in a more flexible environment? Consider whether certain subjects pose a challenge or may take extra time. Pray about it, and if you still have questions, call or email us. We will do our best to help!


What’s the price difference?

The price difference will vary based on the type of instruction you select. If you choose our Accredited program for grades 1-6, full-year, full-grade video and books enrollments cost $50 more than Independent Study (Unaccredited). For grades 7-12, our full-year, full-grade video and books enrollments are $59 more than Independent Study (Unaccredited).

Does this just apply to Abeka Academy? What if I’m doing Parent-Led?

You can only do the Accredited program for full-grade, full-year Abeka Academy (online streaming or DVD video lessons), for one semester enrollments, or for individual courses in grades 9-12.

Can you switch between Accredited and Independent Study at any time?

This is a decision you’ll have to make at the time of initial enrollment. You can switch for free within the first 30 days. After that, you’ll have to contact customer service for details on switching fees. However, you’ll have the option to switch when you enroll for the next school year.

What about college?

In some situations, the Accredited program makes it easier to meet college requirements. However, there are colleges that will recognize Independent Study—just be sure to keep records of projects/tests showing progress, courses taken, days spent schooling, extracurricular activities, and grades. We recommend that you have your child take the ACT or SAT since it’s required by many colleges.

Does where I live have anything to do with it?

Different states have different rules and regulations when it comes to homeschooling. We recommend researching ahead of time and making sure you’re complying with the education laws where you live. Home School Legal Defense Association is an excellent resource when it comes to state homeschool regulations. No matter the laws of your state, it’s extremely important to keep records of your child’s schooling.

If you have any questions regarding our Accredited and Independent Study Program, feel free to contact us.

Comments for Accredited vs. Independent Study

Beth Price-Almeida:
April 20, 2019

My mother and another family member are concerned that my son won't have the same opportunities for socialization or making friends if he's home schooled. How would I address his recess time (pre-k/K) & then sports or whatever extracurricular activities he wanted to take part in as a homeschooler?

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February 2, 2020

I would check online for local homeschooling groups. Local churches offer many opportunities for socializing. Most public school will allow homeschoolers to join sports programs like football and basketball. As far as extracurriculars and elective classes, I would get creative. You can find a local music teacher for piano or violin lessons. Some churches also offer music programs. Rosetta Stone is also a great resource for adding some foreign language for young learners. You can also choose some community helping programs like feeding the homeless for volunteer hours or even karate for some physical activity. The opportunities are endless. Just research and see what’s available in your community. Hope this helps.

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Jordan Cox:
May 7, 2020

Yeah I would check with local communities sports my son is homeschooled but he still does sports but he can not because of covid-19.

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Elizabeth Gresham:
June 23, 2020

I would highly recommend a homeschool co-OP. This is a good way to meet other homeschoolers .There are numerous classes available. Most cities have homeschool co-op.I started one myself and my girls loved it. We used the Abeka curriculum .

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Leticia Reilly:
July 17, 2019

I would like to know the pricing of both of the programs please.

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Abeka Admin:
October 28, 2019

Hello! Our Accredited and Independent Study programs are the same price with the Abeka Academy video enrollments. Our K4 enrollments are $315 in full or 10 monthly payments of $36.50. K5 is $600 in full or 10 monthly payments of $65. 1st-6th grade is $900 in full or 10 monthly payments of $95.20, and 7th-12th grade is $1,145 in full or 10 monthly payments of $119.50.

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Ciera Freeman:
March 8, 2020

I was told that 1st was $600 not $315. So whitch is right?

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Abeka Admin:
March 19, 2020

Hi Ciera! Thanks for the question. Our enrollments recently had a price increase. Before the price increase, K4 was $315, K5 was $600, and 1st was $900. Now, after the price increase, K4 is $350, K5 is $630, and 1st is $959.

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January 2, 2021

Hello, how much is it for 3rd grade, next year (21/22 school year).

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Abeka Admin:
January 8, 2021

It is $959 for a full year and all the books and videos included.

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July 13, 2020

When I search online using my computer prices area much higher. What gives?

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Abeka Admin:
July 14, 2020

Be sure that you are selecting the correct options once you click the product you want. The options change the price.

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December 19, 2019

Why is it that the accredited and independent studies cost the same? I would think accredited would cost more, since it requires more time on part of your staff to review and issue grades.

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Abeka Admin:
January 2, 2020

Great question! While it does require more time for our staff, the materials included in the accredited kit are the same as those included in the independent study kit, so we choose to keep both programs at the same price.

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January 3, 2020

It says, "You’ll also be required to send tests and quizzes periodically for evaluation and return required course work within 6–12 months of your start date. " What is a sample timeline of the deadlines required for accreditation?

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Abeka Admin:
January 6, 2020

Great question! You'll be required to send in work every 6-9 weeks depending on if it is elementary or secondary.

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Elizabeth B.:
July 6, 2020

Is the work sent in electronically or through postal service?

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Abeka Admin:
July 14, 2020

You will mail it in unless your 7-12th grader is doing digital assessments.

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Renna Tramwll:
February 28, 2020

I started a school in Atlanta ga my son goes three days a week for 4hours on the abeka studies I still don't have any books yet he been there for two months the days he is out of school Monfays and Thursfays he is in 8th grade we have no work to do how can I check and see if he's register. Or is he doing independent studies ots private school he change classes 4 times.The district is paying for his schooling.

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Abeka Admin:
February 28, 2020

Hi Renna! If you're missing your shipment of books from us, give us a call at 877-223-5226, and our customer service representatives will be able to assist you.

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May 15, 2020

So confused! So what’s the difference between unaccredited abeka academy and parent led? Academy do you get the videos and choose whether to use them or not? Do you get same or different materials with these two?

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Abeka Admin:
May 20, 2020

Hi Holly! The unaccredited Abeka Academy still comes with the video lessons while the parent-led program does not. The unaccredited Abeka Academy also gives you video teachers while the parent-led program leaves it up to the parent to do the teaching. You get the same textbooks and materials, but if you choose the parent-led program you will receive teaching materials.

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May 23, 2020

I am interested in homeschooling two of my children. One performs below grade level and the other performs above grade level. Are you able to mix and match for appropriate learning? Also, does the unaccredited program result in a high school diploma?

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Abeka Admin:
May 29, 2020

The independent study program does not include a high school diploma, but our accredited program does give that option and is the same price as the independent study program! If you purchase kits, you cannot mix and match since the subjects are already set.

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Allison Traxler:
June 23, 2020

Is the payment plan available for independent study?

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Abeka Admin:
June 26, 2020

Yes! Any purchase over $350.

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June 24, 2020

how do we submit work every 6-9 weeks? Do we mail it or do we scan it and send it through email for abeka accredited program

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Abeka Admin:
June 26, 2020

You'll mail your student's work in.

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Kelly Creson:
June 28, 2020

Ok so im wanting to do the independent study for my 2nd grader what all do i need to purchase obviously the parent kit and child kit but how do i enroll him do I go for the tuition only enrollment or what

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Abeka Admin:
July 14, 2020

If you are wanting the independent study video program, you won't need the parent/child kit. You'll just need to purchase the grade 2 enrollment tuition and books enrollment. You'll get the choice between accredited and independent study after purchase.

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July 2, 2020

If I choose the accreditation program, is the parent responsible for grading the work that is being sent in or the teachers o f Abeka?

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Abeka Admin:
July 14, 2020

The parent/guardian grades the work, and then sends it into our offices here to be re-checked and filed away for record-keeping.

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Jessica Jackson:
July 6, 2020

If your child was in accredited program her 9th grade year and decided to switch her to independent study because you see she required more time with her studies but then switch her back to accredited her 12 grade year can you do so and will she still get the opportunity for a highschool diploma?

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Abeka Admin:
July 14, 2020


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July 6, 2020

Is a 12 month payment plan available if you have three students you wish to attend the accredited program with books. This would really help our family reduce the cost of classess.

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Abeka Admin:
July 14, 2020

We only have the 10-month payment plan available.

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Elizabeth B.:
July 6, 2020

I am considering the accredited program. Is there a yearly schedule we must keep? If so, what are the dates the school year runs?

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Abeka Admin:
July 14, 2020

You get to choose your own begin date, and you will have 12 months from then to finish the school year. That is the only "school year" dates we follow.

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July 7, 2020

Is parent led accredited

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Abeka Admin:
July 14, 2020

It is not.

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July 8, 2020

Can I purchase the Abeka Academy Accredited for 7th grade and also purchase pre-algebra math video kit for Independent Study? If I purchase the 7th grade Academy kit, is it possible to turn in school work before it is due?

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Abeka Admin:
July 14, 2020

Yes, you can purchase the math as a supplemental study--it won't count toward credit, and you'll also need to complete the 7th grade math accredited. You can turn in work before it's due if you are finished with it early. You can also adjust your school schedule to a 6 or 9-month calendar instead of 12 if you feel that your student will finish early.

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July 15, 2020

Do we get grading keys to check our children’s work/test?

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Abeka Admin:
July 16, 2020

Yes, you do.

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July 18, 2020

If my child completed 9th grade in public school and I enrolled him in 10th grade accredited program will he still be eligible to graduate with Abeka starting in 10th?

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Abeka Admin:
July 22, 2020

Yes ma'am.

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Michelle Taylor:
November 3, 2020

Would my son still be eligible to receive a diploma and transcript if he did the accredited program for his Senior year only?

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Abeka Admin:
January 8, 2021


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Natasha sherrin:
July 21, 2020

If my Jr does parent led schooling how will she recieve a diploma?

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Abeka Admin:
July 22, 2020

She will not receive an official diploma from us since parent-led is not accredited.

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August 1, 2020

I don't remember there being an option to choose accredited or independent study when I ordered my sons 4k program. Is that because its 4k and technically not required for him to go to school for that? I just want to make sure I'm doing it right... thanks so much!

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Abeka Admin:
August 7, 2020

Hi! K4 is only offered as the independent study program.

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November 10, 2020

My son is in the 10th grade accredited program with digital assessments,will all of his quiz and test be online or will I have to do the testing and grading?

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Abeka Admin:
January 8, 2021

They will all be online.

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Tracy Rodriguez:
January 1, 2021

My child is doing 9th grade parent led. If I wanted to switch to accredited, would I switch now or wait until 10th?

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Abeka Admin:
January 8, 2021

You may switch whenever you like. Just send us a Facebook message or reach out to our customer service agents at

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Melissa Bauer:
January 4, 2021

We are doing independant study. Is there paperwork for me to fill out to give to my child's school to show her grades, if we decide to finish out high school in the local school district? Are there report cards that I can fill in, or do I create my own? She also wants to participate in sports, and she has to have satisfactry grades, I am just wondering how I can show them that.

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Abeka Admin:
January 8, 2021

If you are doing Abeka Academy independent study, you should have received progress reports in the back of the video manual. These progress reports will help you record her grades for each grading period.

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January 6, 2021

I'm considering this option for both my children next fall (7th & 8th) grades. Does the $1,145 cover all material including books? Also, with multiple children will there possibly be discounts for tuitions?

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Abeka Admin:
January 8, 2021

Yes, that amount includes everything your student will need to successfully complete the full school year. We currently do not offer multiple child discounts; however, keep an eye out for discounts this spring for new enrollments.

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