How to Learn Names Faster

learn students’ names

It’s a new school year and you’ve got a classroom full of students who each have something in common—a unique personality and name to go with it. And it’s up to you to learn them. Some people are naturals when it comes to remembering names. They hear a name just one time, and remember it forever. The rest of us are left wondering, “how do they do it?” 

While we can’t unravel that mystery, we can provide you with some tips that will help learning names happen faster this year. 


Yes, prep is even a part of learning names. But this is easy prep! 

If you already have a list of your students, read over it a few times before the first day. Look at past yearbooks if you have those available to put a face with each name. As you do this, jot down anything (or anyone) the names make you think of. 


Connect the names with someone you know or someone famous. 

For instance, if you have a nephew named Ethan and a student named Ethan, make that association. 


As you meet each student or parent, focus on them and on their name, and then repeat their name back to them. 

It’s too easy to think about what you need to do next or what’s happening in your classroom, but don’t let yourself get distracted. If you don’t focus on a person’s name and face in the first place, you don’t give yourself a chance to remember it. 


Picture the person’s name written on them somewhere. (The forehead is a favorite place.) 


Take a first-day-of-school class picture. Use that picture and your seating chart when you get home, and you can focus on learning names without having to teach at the same time. 


You might already be doing this one. Use each name as many times as you can without it seeming awkward. Instead of just acknowledging a student raising his hand or doing a good job, look up his name on the seating chart if you have to and use it. This also goes a long way in letting each child know you care about getting to know them personally. 


Connect a name with another word or image, then actually picture it when you see that student. For example, imagine a student named Brooke standing in a brook. For someone named Paige, think of the page of a book. For someone named Thomas, you could think of Thomas Jefferson or Thomas Aquinas, the philosopher, or even Toms-brand shoes. 

Whatever connection you make—and it can be a crazy one—the image will help you remember the name. 


Take mental note of details that stand out to you (like really long eyelashes, a distinctive style, interesting voice, etc.). Write out those details next to that person’s name on your seating chart. 


A great way to prepare for a new school year is to pray for your students. Add one extra step and pray for each one individually by name. Pray that they will be motivated, focused, and on-task. Pray that they will each feel safe and loved in your classroom. 

You may have heard many of these tips before, but the key is actually putting them into practice. If it seems like too much, here’s some encouragement—caring about learning names helps you do it faster. So, by reading this blog, you’re already part of the way there! 

If you have ideas, comment below or share them on our Facebook page

Comments for How to Learn Names Faster

Holli Ashley:
September 21, 2018

Don't forget to check out last year's yearbook and see the names and faces together ahead of time.

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Abeka Admin:
September 21, 2018

Great idea Holli!

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Erica McIntosh:
November 14, 2018

Would love to have a name tag like that picture, with the Abeka house and lines, for my Kindergarten Home school student. Do you know where I might find one.

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