Who are Abeka Academy’s master video teachers? You’ll find kindergarten and elementary teachers listed by grade below, and high school teachers listed alphabetically. To see them in action, view the sample videos.


Mrs. Stewart
Mrs. Stewart

Mrs. Samantha Stewart’s greatest priority as a teacher is sharing the love of...
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Jesus Christ with her students, whom she often refers to as her “Sweet Peas.” Samantha earned a degree in early childhood education and has used it to teach kindergarten for over 20 years.

During the summers, Mrs. Stewart enjoys learning more about history as she travels to famous places and landmarks. Additionally, she loves visiting new coffee shops, spending quality time with her family, and scrapbooking when she gets the chance.

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Mrs. Turner
Mrs. Turner

Mrs. Crystal Turner is well suited to educate curious minds with...
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an earned degree in elementary education as well as over 18 years of teaching experience.

Mrs. Turner’s summers remain busy as she travels to speak at conventions and works at Abeka. When presented with the opportunity to relax, Mrs. Turner enjoys visiting the beach, sipping a cup of chai tea, and spending time with her family.

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Miss Howe
Miss Howe

Miss Emily Howe uses her outgoing personality to make 1st-grade students feel at home...
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in her classroom. Because Emily recognizes that many of her students are new to the Abeka curriculum, she takes extra care to make sure students understand concepts.

Miss Howe has a tender heart for young children and volunteers to help in youth-related ministries. She has participated in both children’s Sunday school and evening Bible clubs and has worked as a team leader for summer camps.

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Mrs. Chappell
Mrs. Chappell

Mrs. Jadine Chappell combines care for her students and knowledge of the subject...
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matter in her 2nd-grade classroom. Jadine graduated with a degree in elementary education and English and has taught both K4 and 2nd grade.

Mrs. Chappell loves to receive cards and letters from her Academy students and their parents. When not preparing for a lesson or interacting with her students, she participates in the church choir and helps out as a summer day camp leader.

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Mrs. (Boyd) Bryant
3rd Arithmetic, Science/Health, History/Geography

Mrs. Bryant loves teaching and helping students to see God’s faithfulness through...
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Arithmetic, Science, Health, and History. Mrs. Bryant has an outgoing personality and hopes her students see her passion for teaching and how fun learning can be. Working in children’s groups at church helped her grow a love for working with children early on.

Mrs. Bryant enjoys coaching basketball and training character through sports outside the classroom. She also enjoys many outdoor adventures like kayaking, running, sailing, and watching sunsets. Her students have quickly learned that her favorite drink is coffee and that she loves to find new coffee shops to enjoy. Ministering in her church’s youth group has provided ways for her to share God’s love in practical ways.

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Mrs. Quito
Mrs. Quito
3rd Bible, Language Arts

Mrs. Laura Quito has been involved in Christian education for over thirty years. She loves...
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teaching Bible, introducing students to Christ, and helping them grow in their walk with Him. Mrs. Quito is also passionate about teaching language arts subjects. She wants her students to know that language is a gift from God given to only mankind. It is her great desire to help students understand and use language well.

In addition to teaching in her classroom, Mrs. Quito has been involved in her local church’s Children’s Church ministry for many years. When not in her classroom, Mrs. Quito enjoys spending time with her family, gardening, and chatting with her chickens.

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Mrs. Kochanowicz
Mrs. Kochanowicz
3rd Art

With a desire to instill the beauty of God’s creation into...
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the children she teaches, Mrs. Cami Kochanowicz combines her love for learning with her ability to bring academics to life through art. Mrs. Kochanowicz gained an appreciation and knowledge of art while working with the talented artists and designers of Abeka. Cami has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education, as well as a master’s degree in educational administration.

Growing up, Mrs. Kochanowicz participated in 4–H which she believes inspired her love for animals and nature. Her hobbies include reading, drinking coffee, and spending time with her family. She has participated in various children’s ministries where she enjoys being able to share the Gospel.

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Mrs. Meester
Mrs. Meester
4th Language Arts

Growing up with parents who were teachers, Mrs. Kathy Meester realized her love of...
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teaching as a teenager after volunteering to teach a fifth-grade Bible class. After 13 years of classroom teaching spanning 5th and 6th grades to junior high and high school English, she spent several years in the Midwest, enjoying staying home with her two children. She was introduced to Abeka Academy teachers through their family’s homeschooling journey during these years. Mrs. Meester is excited to bring almost 20 years of classroom teaching and 4 years of homeschool experience to her students at Abeka Academy. Her unique perspective as a homeschooling parent and classroom teacher lends an energetic practicality to her teaching style.

Mrs. Meester has been involved in opportunities outside the classroom through church children’s programs, choirs, and camp. She has also enjoyed foreign travel and exploring the United States with her family. Because of her husband’s love of science, she has experienced a solar eclipse, detailed star gazing, and geological adventures! Just for fun, she enjoys playing the piano and gardening.

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Miss Amsbaugh
Miss Amsbaugh
4th Arithmetic, History/Geography, Science/Health, Bible, Art
5th History/Geography, Science/Health, Bible

Abeka Academy students can look forward to learning new...
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and exciting subjects with Miss Amy Amsbaugh. Miss Amsbaugh earned a degree in elementary education and has used it to teach 4th, 5th, and 6th grades.

While Miss Amsbaugh appreciates the refreshment that summer vacation allows, she also takes the time to attend educational conferences and clinics to learn more about how to motivateand inspire her students the next year.

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Miss Green
Miss Green
5th Reading

Miss Katie Green was born and raised in the ministry, and grew up assisting...
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in children’s church, nursery, and Vacation Bible School at her local church in Texas. After feeling called to be a teacher, she graduated with her Bachelor’s degree in elementary education, and she has been teaching 5th grade ever since. Her true desire is to develop her students into life-long learners who serve the Lord with zeal and enthusiasm.

Miss Green's love for her students extends way past her classroom door. She enjoys attending their weekend sporting events and loves to listen to them use their musical talents in concerts and recitals. During her free time, she has fun by reading, playing her clarinet, drinking coffee, and spending time with her friends and family.

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Mrs. Nagel
Mrs. (Burns) Nagel
5th Language Arts

Mrs. Katie (Burns) Nagel enjoys teaching 5th-grade language arts for...
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Abeka Academy. Influenced by her youth pastor to use her gifts for the Lord, Mrs. (Burns) Nagel pursued a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. She uses her experience as an Abeka Academy graduate to impact the lives of her students.

In addition to her love for teaching, Mrs. (Burns) Nagel enjoys outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, biking, and jogging and has used her heart for youth in camp ministry, children’s church, VBS program, and a summer missions trip to South America.

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Mr. Howe
Mr. Howe
5th and 6th Arithmetic

A classroom favorite of both students and their parents, Mr. David Howe has taught...
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in Christian school ministries for over thirty years. Always willing to go “above and beyond” to guide his students through new and familiar material, he maintains their full attention. Mr. Howe received his master’s degree in elementary education and has been part of Abeka Academy since the video program began.

In addition to his vital role in ABA, Mr. Howe enjoys contributing to his community and often participates in committees that serve local citizens. Never one to pass up a good deal, he is an avid bargain shopper. Mr. Howe also enjoys a good meal at his favorite restaurant, Chick-fil-A.

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Miss Moses
Miss Moses
6th Reading

Miss Amy Moses is an enthusiastic educator. She loves interacting with her students and teaching them about...
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academics and character. After graduating from college with her elementary education degree, she stepped into the classroom and immediately knew teaching was what she was called to do.

In the summers, Miss Moses works with 8-12-year-old campers at an overnight summer camp. She enjoys baking, walking, reading, and hanging out with her dog Ginger to relax.

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Miss Lewis
Miss Lewis
6th History/Geography, Science/Health

Miss Melissa Lewis earned a bachelor’s degree in elementary education with the goal...
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of making a difference in students’ lives. Before becoming one of Abeka Academy’s 6th-grade teachers, Miss Lewis taught several other grades.

Even during the summers, she invests in young lives as a summer camp counselor. When she’s not working with children and teens, she enjoys reading historical books, visiting museums, and savoring a nice cup of coffee.

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Mrs. Tupua
Mrs. Tupua
6th Language Arts, Bible

With a desire to train children effectively, Mrs. Barbie Tupua is a dedicated...
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6th-grade Abeka Academy teacher. Her class is consistently prepared for new material and is ready to achieve to the best of their ability. Mrs. Tupua received a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and has also earned her master’s degree in educational administration.

Mrs. Tupua uses her talent as a summer camp Bible teacher, and she has also served as a children’s church teacher and Bible club leader. When she’s not teaching, she enjoys scrapbooking and cooking for her family.

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High School

Miss Armstrong
Miss Armstrong
Culinary Life Skills

Miss Connie Armstrong teaches Culinary Life Skills. Miss Armstrong’s...
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examples and firsthand knowledge of her topics makes this class a favorite. Miss Armstrong received her bachelor’s degree in Home Economics and uses her understanding to keep her students actively involved in each lesson.

Outside the classroom, Miss Armstrong has volunteered her time and talents to coordinate special events such as banquets, wedding receptions, and honorary dinners. She also serves as an assistant Sunday school teacher.

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Mrs. Antich
Mrs. Antich
English 10

Mrs. Hannah Antich, a former Abeka Academy student herself...
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, seeks to give her students straightforward instruction based on biblical truth. For fun in her lessons, she enjoys sharing many humorous stories from her life.

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Mrs. Baker
Mrs. Baker
English 8, 11

Students and parents will immediately recognize the care and preparation that Mrs. Karmen Baker brings ...
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to each lesson. Whether teaching grammar, literature, or vocabulary, Mrs. Baker is eager not only to have her students learn the material but also to understand its usefulness to their lives. With a degree in secondary education (mathematics/English), Mrs. Baker skillfully instructs and encourages her students.

Mrs. Baker enjoys traveling with her family and has spent some summers working in a camp ministry. Mrs. Baker also helps in her church’s nursery program.

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Mr. Birx
Mr. Birx
Bible Doctrines

Mr. Joshua Birx desires to give his students a solid foundation in Scriptural truth...
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through his Bible doctrines class, where he gives accurate and applicable insight from his Bible–based lessons.

Mr. Birx’s hobbies include reading historical books, following baseball, and doing home improvement projects. He has served both in nursery and nursing home ministries and teaches an adult Sunday school class. Equipped with an education specialist degree, he also serves as administrator of Pensacola Christian Academy.

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Mr. Bucy
Mr. Bucy
English 7, 9, 12

Mr. Ryan Bucy teaches grammar and literature for 7th, 9th, and 12th grades. He holds a bachelor’s...
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degree in history and English education along with a master’s in educational administration and uses his comprehensive training to sharpen his students’ interest in these important subjects.

Outside the classroom, Mr. Bucy enjoys playing percussion in church orchestra and has continued to reach young people throughout the summer as a camp counselor. His hobbies include traveling, reading, and surfing the FlowRider at Pensacola Christian College’s Sports Center. Mr. Bucy currently serves as principal of grades 9–12 at Pensacola Christian Academy.

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Miss Burns
Miss Burns
Geography, Health, U.S. History 8

Miss Lynlee Burns welcomes the opportunity to teach geography and health to her students....
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Her desire is for her class to master the information and to share her love for the material. Miss Burns has a bachelor’s degree in history education and music (piano), as well as a master’s degree in educational leadership.

Miss Burns contributes to her church’s ministry through helping both as the children’s choir director and as a children’s church teacher. During her vacations, she enjoys camping and has traveled in the United States and Canada.Miss Burns currently serves as principal of grades 7 and 8 at Pensacola ChristianAcademy.

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Mr. Collins
Mr. Collins
Plane Geometry, Precalculus

Higher mathematics courses can be intimidating to some, but Mr. Eric Collins seeks...
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to help his students succeed by thoroughly explaining each concept and principle he teaches. With a degree in math education and over twenty years teaching experience, Mr. Collins comes prepared with a plan to effectively teach each day’s geometry and precalculus lessons.

Mr. Collins has ministered through his church choir and has traveled on summer missions trips to Arizona, Alaska, the Bahamas, and Mexico. He also enjoys construction projects.

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Mr. Crockett
Mr. Crockett
Bible 7, Bible 8, New Testament: Jesus and His followers

Mr. Bobby Crockett engages his students in biblical truth and practical application...
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out of a desire to encourage youth to live for the Lord. Mr. Crockett holds a bachelor’s degree in history along with master’s degrees in educational administration and Bible exposition.

Outside the classroom, he enjoys spending time with his family and additional ministry opportunities with young people through summer camp, VBS, and working with his church’s youth group.

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Miss de Lima
Miss de Lima
Life Science, Earth and Space Science

Miss Leticia de Lima holds a bachelor’s degree in physical education...
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with a minor in biology and a master’s degree in educational leadership. She values the opportunity to share her love of science with her students.

In addition to teaching her students about their wise Creator, Miss de Lima enjoys ministry opportunities through camps, Sunday school, and missions trips to places such as Australia, France, and Brazil. Her hobbies center on being active, learning new languages, and traveling.

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Mrs. DeBruler
Mrs. DeBruler

Mrs. Carole DeBruler teaches our high school speech class. ...
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While she has a degree in speech and a master's degree in education, it is her many years of experience teaching drama and speech that give her valuable insight into helping both nervous and experienced students to feel more confident and empowered to share themselves and their faith with the world around them.

During her free time, Mrs. DeBruler enjoys traveling, baking for her family, and spoiling her five golden retrievers. She has also spoken at ladies' seminars and educational conferences and has authored several books.

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Mr. Dickson
Mr. Dickson
Consumer Math, Business Math

Both consumer math and business math are taught by Mr. Glenn Dickson....
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Realizing that students need practical direction when it comes to everyday decisions, Mr. Dickson teaches these courses using common examples and realistic situations.

Mr. Dickson teaches in both Sunday school and vacation Bible school. He enjoys following sports in his spare time, as well as spending time with his family.

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Mr. Gourley
Mr. Gourley

Mr. Chuck Gourley brings energy and enthusiasm to each lesson. He loves to...
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pull everyday applications from the Bible for teenagers in his class. Mr. Gourley holds a bachelor's degree in youth ministry and a master's degree in Bible exposition.

Mr. Gourley, a youth pastor at Campus Church, enjoys serving at the various youth activities with his family. He also speaks at youth events and camps around the country on a regular basis.

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Dr. Jaffé
Dr. Jaffé
Jaffé Music Courses

Dr. Alberto Jaffé teaches both Orchestra I and 2. A renowned violinist, Dr. Jaffé taught...
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students for over 40 years. Originally from Brazil, Dr. Jaffé was involved in teaching both beginning and advanced music students internationally and in the U.S. Dr. Jaffé’s teaching style began when he was teaching his own children and has now been included in school and collegiate programs.

Dr. Jaffé and his wife, Daisy, worked together to bring their love and enjoyment of music to students of all ages. Dr. Jaffé also served as an artist in residence at Pensacola Christian College.

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Dr. Marion
Dr. Marion
Keyboarding, Document Processing

Students will quickly develop their keyboarding and document processing skills with...
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Dr. Donna Marion. Teaching both courses allows Dr. Marion the opportunity to give her students the complete picture of how these skills can support them in their chosen fields. Dr. Marion received her doctoral degree in educational technology and actively seeks new ways to develop her students’ abilities in these areas.

In her free time, Dr. Marion enjoys relaxing with her family, reading, and cooking. She has also served in the church nursery ministry, and she now leads the business department at Pensacola Christian College.

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Mr. McBride
Mr. McBride
Life Management, Revelation

Mr. Denis McBride, a well–loved instructor, teaches several high school history...
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and Bible courses for Abeka Academy. Known for his ability to relate content simply and clearly, Mr. McBride consistently expects his students to demonstrate full knowledge and application of the material they have been taught.

Mr. McBride has great affection for missions work, having been able to travel to Haiti, Mexico, and Honduras. As a sought–after speaker, Mr. McBride has frequently served as a workshop leader at conferences and clinics around the country. He also served as pastor of the Campus Church at Pensacola Christian College.

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Mrs. Odom
Mrs. Odom

Mrs. Cassandra Odom prepares her students for higher mathematic learning with...
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the foundational instruction involved in pre-algebra. Her desire is for her class to master the information and to share her passion for math and learning. Mrs. Odom holds a bachelor's degree in math education and uses her training to skillfully instruct and inspire her students.

Outside of the classroom, Mrs. Odom enjoys playing and coaching volleyball, shopping, and working in her youth group. She likes to involve herself in hands-on ministries through church and school much like she did during her childhood.

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Miss Quinlan
Miss Quinlan
Spanish 1, Spanish 2

While learning a new language can be intimidating, Miss Cindy Quinlan strives to help students...
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 grasp the details of Spanish grammar in order to enhance their understanding of the Spanish language. Miss Quinlan uses her comprehensive training and teaching experience to skillfully inspire her students.

As a former homeschool student who grew up on the mission field, Miss Quinlan appreciates the opportunity to teach Spanish to her stateside and international video students. In her free time, she enjoys reading, singing, playing the flute, and spending time with her family and friends.

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Dr. Ridgley
Dr. Ridgley
Physics, Physical Science

Dr. Ridgley is excited to use his hands-on experience and understanding...
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of these intellectually challenging subjects to help his students succeed. With bachelor’s degrees in science and mathematics education, along with experience from several graduate courses in the sciences, Dr. Ridgley is well qualified to inspire his students’ best work.

A member of the church orchestra, Dr. Ridgley can typically be found serving as the timpanist in the percussion section. He also has been involved in children’s Bible club ministries. Dr. Ridgley currently teaches in the natural sciences department at Pensacola Christian College.

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Mr. Sisson
Mr. Sisson

Mr. Tim Sisson holds a bachelor's degree in Science Education and...
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is dedicated to simplifying complex chemistry concepts, helping students grasp and enjoy the subject.
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Miss Smith
Miss Smith
Algebra 2

Miss Shonna Smith patiently demonstrates each algebraic process step by step....
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Students will be excited to have Miss Smith carefully guide them in mastering each concept. With a bachelor’s degree in math and science education along with a master’s degree, Miss Smith has both the qualifications and the heart to help her students succeed.

Miss Smith’s interests include woodworking and building furniture, and she also plays both the piano and euphonium. Miss Smith actively serves in her church by assisting with the kindergarten classes.

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Mr. Smith
Mr. Smith
Economics, World History 7 and 10, Hebrew History: Kings of Israel, American Government, U.S. History 11

Mr. Mike Smith brings a high level of enthusiasm to each lesson and inspires his students to ...
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enjoy learning. After receiving bachelor’s degrees in pre-law and education, Mr. Smith began teaching Bible, history, and economics courses. He also holds a master’s degree in educational administration. Mr. Smith’s desire is not only to teach the facts of his courses, but also to impart life applications that reach the hearts of his students.

Mr. Smith is a licensed scuba diver and makes a point of using his free time outdoors. A popular guest speaker, he has been invited to lead sessions in staff orientations, faculty meetings, and training workshops. Additionally, Mr. Smith invests his summers as the featured chapel speaker for a summer youth camp.

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Miss Stancel
Miss Stancel

Miss Colette Stancel teaches biology...
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for Abeka Academy. Miss Stancel received a master’s degree in secondary education and has taught junior high and high school science and served as yearbook advisor. She uses her experience and enthusiasm to help students not only to understand science, but also to see God’s plan in creation.

Miss Stancel has visited several national parks and remembers trips to Alaska and Canada as her favorite. She likes to spend time outdoors taking pictures or gardening. Because of her avid interest in science, she has read numerous books and articles regarding the Creation/evolution debate and attends related conferences to better equip herself to defend the biblical Creation account.

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Miss Turner
Mrs. (Barnhart) Turner
Intermediate Math, Algebra 1

Mrs. Esther Turner’s enthusiasm for learning is proudly displayed with each...
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lesson she teaches. Esther holds degrees in both math and science education as well as teaching experience in all secondary grades.

In addition to her love for teaching, Mrs. Turner enjoys outdoor activities such as sailing and kayaking. She also likes to travel in the summer months to the Pacific Northwest to visit friends and hike in national parks.

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